The assignment is to write a blog post about school and ideas how we can change it. The thing is, I dont think it can or should be changed. Yes, it is a pain to wake up every weekday morning at 7. And yes, It is not all that much fun to sit in a classroom for six hours and listen to your teacher talk and talk and talk, and have to sit there and work, and get yelled at everytime you stop working. However, the way school is structured is like that for a reason. It goes from 8:30 to 3 in an attempt to prepare us for when we have to get a full time job and we have to sit at a desk for 8 hours and work. Though truthfully, some people will end up with jobs that dont follow this time line. Sadly, most of us will end up with a boring office job at some point in our lives.
If school were to be pushed back to say 9:30 than the time we get out would have to be pushed back to 4. This later release time would effect jobs and social lives. I am going to use my self as an example, I wake up at 7am and leave the house at 8. I get home before 4 and than assuming I dont have homework, am free to do whatever. I generally go to bed around 12. However, if they were to change the time of school back an hour, I would wake up at 8 leave at 9, and would get home before 5. Then again assuming I dont have homework, I would want to do all the same things in my free time and I would end up going to be at 1. As you can see, in both senarios I have the same schedule eveything is just pushed back and I would still complain about the 7 hours of sleep and how school starts too early. Not to mention a fact that I left out which is that my mom drives me and if school started at nine she would have to be at work already and so I would probably have to either leave the house earlier so I have time to bus, or have my mom drop me off at school atleast a half an hour early.
This is why I dont think the school scedule should change. I dont thing it would change anything for the better.
This part does not apply to the teacher:
Days til Im done summer school: 16
Nail polish: Still blue sparkle with black shatter.
Number of times my teacher has made fun of me infront of the class: 3
Cool way of thinking. But I think there is way more to the schedules than just preparing us for jobs in the future. I think you know that already but, well, I wanted to see more. Ha ha ha at the little blurb at the bottom.