Monday, April 9, 2012

Looking at the Bright Side of Rejection

You know that moment when you go to tell the person you like that you like them (and you know in the logical part of your brain that they probably don't feel the same way, but the emotional part is so desprately hoping that they do) and even though you thought you were prepared for them to not feel the same way, you are completely crushed when they don't like you? 

Yeah, that sucks. It sucks because you spend so much time thinking about every possible way that they could respond, but no matter what they say it catches you off guard. It sucks because no matter how nice they are about it, it is still a rejection. And it sucks because now seeing that person is so incredibly uncomfortable, (no matter how hard you try for it to not be) that you don't end up saying anything, which make things more awkward.

All of that being said, I don't regret making the first move. If I wouldn't have then I would still be wondering if he liked me, and atleast now I know he doesn't and I can move on. Not to mention the fact that I am normally far too shy to make the first move, but this time I did and (although I didn't get the answer I was hoping for) nothing horrible happened. So overall, since I am trying to look at the bright side of things, it was a good experience and I am not as timid now.  As weird as it sounds, I like taking myself out of my comfort zone. I enjoy breaking my habbits and facing my fears. How else would I grow as a person?

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