Monday, April 9, 2012

Looking at the Bright Side of Rejection

You know that moment when you go to tell the person you like that you like them (and you know in the logical part of your brain that they probably don't feel the same way, but the emotional part is so desprately hoping that they do) and even though you thought you were prepared for them to not feel the same way, you are completely crushed when they don't like you? 

Yeah, that sucks. It sucks because you spend so much time thinking about every possible way that they could respond, but no matter what they say it catches you off guard. It sucks because no matter how nice they are about it, it is still a rejection. And it sucks because now seeing that person is so incredibly uncomfortable, (no matter how hard you try for it to not be) that you don't end up saying anything, which make things more awkward.

All of that being said, I don't regret making the first move. If I wouldn't have then I would still be wondering if he liked me, and atleast now I know he doesn't and I can move on. Not to mention the fact that I am normally far too shy to make the first move, but this time I did and (although I didn't get the answer I was hoping for) nothing horrible happened. So overall, since I am trying to look at the bright side of things, it was a good experience and I am not as timid now.  As weird as it sounds, I like taking myself out of my comfort zone. I enjoy breaking my habbits and facing my fears. How else would I grow as a person?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dance Competition Season is Finally Here

All the costumes are bought or made. Most are rhynestoned and sequined. My makeup kit is packed. My "To Bring" list is printed, and my costumes hang neatly in a bag on the back of my door. I am ready... and yet, *breaths*  I'm not.

9 days until I am on stage for the first time this season. 9 days until complete chaos insues. 9 days until I am running around franticly making sure everyone is wearing what they should be and is where they need to be. 9 days. *breaths* 9 days to get it right, to make it perfect, and to get mentally and physically prepared.

This is my nineth year going to dance competitions. But this time it's different. I am putting pressure on my self this year. I want to do well. This has always been sometjing that i have done for fun, simply because I love it. This year I want to do well. This is my second last year competing, because in two years I will be going to university, and won't be able to compete anymore. That is why I want to do well.

I always tell people that I dance. This year I want to be able to tell them how good I am. I want to be able to tell them we won an overall, or a special award. I want a trophy. I want something that I can look back on and be so incredibly proud of.

These are my goals for this year:
 Not freeze on stage during my solo.
Not forget my dances.
Not fall out of my turns.
Not get comments from the judges to point my toes.
Show good emotions and facial expressions.
Win something for any of my dances.
Keep all the younger kids organized, so my dance teacher doesn't have to.
Smile. Be happy. Have fun. Make memories.

Days til first competition: 9

Colour of nail polish. Green (for st patty's day) with one silver on each hand.