Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Farm adventure and Leaky Con.


Today we went into town and I bought a cute copper ring. We went to joe's friends farm and we saw a whole bunch of chickens and a huge pig and I mean huge, this pig was bigger than me. It was so cute though, I wanted to hug him. :) We also saw three smaller pigs and a miniature horse. There where also cows and a llama but we didn't get to pet them.

After the farm we went to a chinese buffet, it was pretty good but almost everything had meat in it, so I didn't eat much there.

My sister and I are planning our trip to orlando next summer for Leaky Con and I am excited. When we get home from vacation and we have our computers. We are going to book the hotel room and buy the tickets. We decided that we are going to drive there since it is only about a 21 1/2 hour drive but we aren't going to drive the whole trip at once, we are going to make a couple stops and travel over a few days.

With love from

Days til I get my puppy: less then 24 hours!! :)


  1. I didn't know you're vegetarian :) It's annoying being a veggie in Canadian restaurants, huh? And the FARM and the TRIP and the PUPPY is so EXCITING!! :) :) :)

  2. I love rings! I have such a hard time finding them though, because my fingers are a size 5 and stores here start at a 6. UGH.

    Farm, cool! I've always wanted a pet pig. I would name him Moses.

    Ohh, I REALLY want to go to LeakyCon next summer! I know Alicia is going--you HAVE to meet up! :D Now, if we can convince CHELSEA to go, and I go, too...7NAP PARTY!
